A regular customer survey was carried out again this year. This time with the support of the “Technische Hochschule Aschaffenburg”, which supported us in the implementation and the evaluation in order to guarantee the anonymity of all evaluations. Many thanks again to all participating customers who gave us their valuable assessments of our company and our services. You will help to make working with us even better!
This year, in addition to the feedback on the cooperation with our company we asked our customers about products and services that could be of interest for them in the future.
To find more information about the results please download the file at the end of the article. Here is a look at the overall satisfaction of our customers:
The chart shows that 95 % of our customers are satisfied with the cooperation, over 40 % are even very satisfied. We are very happy with that positive feedback, thank you very much!
Our customers are particularly satisfied with the product quality and the expertise of our employees. We are very pleased about this, because we focus on this fields and there we see our strengths! It’s great when our customers see it the same way. But we also recognize in which areas our customers are not yet 100 % satisfied. Of course, we will take a close look at these processes.
We also got valuable input for the future orientation of our product portfolio: feasibility studies and vacuum annealing were considered important by more than half of the respondents.
Published on 14.12.2022